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845 S Hanover St
Pottstown, Pa 19465

Township Moves Forward with Township Building Feasibility Study

North Coventry Township, [2023-07-24] – At the July 24th, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting, Township Manager Erica Batdorf informed the Board of the latest development in the pursuit of a comprehensive Township Building feasibility plan. The Township is embarking on a crucial step towards enhancing its facilities, addressing current and future needs, and ensuring the optimal functionality of its administrative and police operations.

Township Manager Batdorf stated that a direct solicitation was initiated to invite architectural firms to propose their expertise for a feasibility plan of the current Township Building complex. This plan encompasses a comprehensive examination of the existing building, with a focus on the Police and Administration sectors. The goal is to evaluate potential reconfigurations of the current infrastructure and provide detailed cost estimations for the entire project.

In response to the solicitation, the Township received four distinct proposals from reputable architectural firms. These proposals ranged from $8,800 to $21,300, each reflecting the firms’ unique approaches and strategies to fulfill the Township’s requirements.

Of notable significance is the proposal from Kimmel Bogrette, which includes a compelling credit offer of $9,500 upon project implementation. Township Manager Batdorf expressed confidence in the capabilities of all four firms but particularly highlighted Kimmel Bogrette as the standout option due to their considerable experience with the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) and the credit incentive they presented.

Vice-Chairman Rick Scheler emphasized the importance of understanding that the proposed feasibility study constitutes the initial conceptual design phase. Once the plan is developed, subsequent steps will involve addressing the larger costs associated with implementation and construction.

Regarding the budget allocation for this critical undertaking, Township Manager Batdorf noted that $25,000 was earmarked from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, ensuring that all received proposals remained within this budgetary constraint.

Chairman Jim Marks underscored the overarching strategy, stating that once the total cost is determined through the feasibility study, the Board will collectively decide on the most suitable course of action. This could potentially involve expanding the Public Works facility located at Hanover Meadows off Lenape Crossing.

In light of thoughtful deliberations, it was resolved that Township Manager Batdorf would initiate an interview process with Kimmel Bogrette to further assess their alignment with the Township’s vision. Consequently, Vice-Chairman Scheler motioned to approve the proposal from Kimmel Bogrette for $19,500, inclusive of a $9,500 credit contingent upon a satisfactory interview outcome.

The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bill Soumis and received unanimous approval from the Board, affirming the Township’s commitment to progressing toward a revitalized and efficient Township Building complex that will serve the needs of the community for many years to come.