PR-Strategic Plan

845 S Hanover St
Pottstown, Pa 19465

Parks & Recreation Commission Strategic Plan



The Parks & Recreation Commission is charged with management of township park system on behalf of the Board of Supervisors (BOS). Commission volunteers work with township staff to effectively manage public safety, public relations, scheduling, fees, and all other aspects of regular park operations.


The Parks & Recreation Commission is charged with planning for the future of the township park system to provide the greatest benefit for the greatest number of residents.

Special Regulations

The Parks & Recreation Commission is charged with working with township administration and staff to manage any special regulations required which are outside of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s). A Special Activities Agreements (SAA’s) or other special programs should have no adverse effects park facilities, visitor experience, or finance.

Pottstown Area Regional Recreation Committee (PARRC)

The Parks & Recreation Commission should maintain active engagement with the committee members representing other municipalities involved in the PARRC as well as the “Coordinator”.

Friends of North Coventry Parks

The Friends of North Coventry Parks is a volunteer group formed to lend ideas, support and assistance to the North Coventry Township park system. Friends of the parks have the opportunity to support all areas of the Parks & Recreation strategic plan. Through the Friends program, volunteer hours will be documented for administrative reference.


Resource Management

The Parks & Recreations Commission is charged with stewardship of the lands within the township park system. Stewardship includes the monitoring, evaluation, maintenance, and improvement of various habitats (forests/meadows/aquatic) for the greatest support of ecological systems, biodiversity, and sustainability.


The Parks & Recreation Commission is charged stewardship of infrastructure within the township park system. Stewardship includes the monitoring, evaluation, maintenance, and improvement of various facilities for both passive/active recreation and historical/cultural interpretation to benefit a variety of age groups and populations with in the township (athletic facilities, trails, playgrounds, historic features, signage…) and to ensure public safety and fiduciary responsibility.


The Parks & Recreation Commission is charged with providing events and educational programs that provide recreation, education, and public information to township residents and residents of neighboring municipalities.


Park events should be based on partnership to provide program benefits of community building. These events of larger scale will operate on an incident command system.


  Park educational programs should be available to provide opportunities of engagement to provide benefits of personal growth and dissemination of knowledge and understanding.