845 S Hanover St
Pottstown, Pa 19465

Township Administration

Administration Building 845 S Hanover St Pottstown Pa 19465

A township administration in Pennsylvania plays a critical role in managing the affairs of the township. The administration is responsible for ensuring that the township operates efficiently, effectively, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

The township administration is led by Township Manager Erica Batdorf who is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the township. The manager works closely with other township officials, including elected officials to ensure that the township is providing the services that its residents need.

One of the most important functions of the township administration is to manage the township’s finances. This includes creating and managing the township’s budget, as well as overseeing the collection of taxes and other revenues. The administration must ensure that the township is using its financial resources wisely and in the best interests of its residents.

Another critical function of the township administration is to manage the township’s infrastructure. This includes maintaining and repairing roads, bridges, and other public facilities, as well as environmental issues.

In addition to these responsibilities, the township administration is also responsible for ensuring that the township is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes everything from zoning laws to building codes to environmental regulations.

The role of the township administration in managing the township is crucial to the well-being of its residents. By providing effective and efficient services, managing the township’s finances, and ensuring compliance with all laws and regulations, the administration helps to create a safe and thriving community for all who live there.

Administrative Staff
Township Manager

Erica Batdorf ebatdorf@northcoventry.us

Financial Officer

Kim Shaak

Administrative Assistant

Denise Diehl


Jonathan McKee

Fire Marshal

Ron Comtois

Tax Collector

Nance Sparks

Building/Zoning Office

LTL Consultants

Emergency Management

Katelyn Collemacine, EMC

Robert Esposito, Deputy EMC


North Coventry Township
845 S Hanover St
Pottstown Pa 19465


Business Hours:
M-F 8:30-4:30