845 S Hanover St
Pottstown, Pa 19465

Historical Commission Unveils Plans for 2024 Historical Barns Calendar

North Coventry Township, [2023-07-24] – The North Coventry Township Historical Commission is excited to provide an update on its upcoming project that celebrates the rich heritage of the township through the preservation and promotion of its historic barns. Ralph Levengood, Chairman of the Historical Commission, announced that the committee is embarking on the creation of a 2024 calendar highlighting the remarkable historical barns within the township.

The 2024 calendar project aims to showcase the Township’s historical significance by featuring over 70 meticulously preserved barns that stand as a testament to the area’s roots and architectural heritage. The calendar will offer a unique blend of Township information along with insightful narratives about the importance of these barns, which have stood the test of time.

The calendar cover will proudly display the iconic Great Oak Farm Barn, while the back cover will feature the historic James Meyers Farm Barn, both of which hold a special place in the hearts of North Coventry residents. The calendar promises to be a visual delight, bringing the past into the present and inviting viewers to appreciate the Township’s cultural legacy.

The calendar’s sale price has been set at $15 each, providing an affordable opportunity for residents and history enthusiasts to own a piece of North Coventry’s heritage. Recognizing the financial commitment of this endeavor, Chairman Levengood is actively exploring partnerships with local businesses to garner sponsorship support, which would defray the printing costs and amplify the community’s involvement in this project.

In acknowledgment of the Historical Committee’s dedication to preserving the Township’s heritage, Chairman Marks expressed gratitude for the ongoing work invested in the project. The Historical Commission is proud to have the unwavering support of the Board, underscoring their shared commitment to safeguarding North Coventry’s historical identity.

On another note,  Ralph Levengood was contacted by the Chester County Historic Preservation Network regarding the upcoming 250th Anniversary of the United States and the signing of the Declaration of Independence, slated for July 4, 2026. Volunteer groups are being actively engaged to form a committee that represents the diverse demographics within the Township. This collaborative effort seeks to curate a memorable event that pays homage to the nation’s pivotal milestone.

As the North Coventry Township Historical Commission embarks on these ambitious initiatives, it exemplifies the community’s shared dedication to preserving its past while embracing the future. The commission invites residents, businesses, and history enthusiasts to participate in this significant endeavor, fostering a deeper connection to the Township’s rich history.