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845 S Hanover St
Pottstown, Pa 19465

North Coventry Township Acknowledges Receipt of Minor Subdivision Plan for Coventry Mall CVS Parcel

North Coventry Township, [07-07-2023] – During the Board of Supervisors regularly scheduled meeting held on June 26th, 2023. The Board acknowledged the receipt of the Minor Subdivision Plan submitted by PennMark Management. The plan outlines the intention to subdivide a 1.42-acre parcel, comprising the existing CVS building and parking lot, from the larger Coventry Mall parcel, resulting in a reduction of the main parcel’s size to 52.93 acres. The subdivision proposal does not involve any new construction.

Chairman Jim Marks addressed the submission, highlighting that it is solely an acknowledgment of receipt and does not require any immediate action from the Board. Supervisor Rebekah Elliott inquired about the tax implications for the newly subdivided parcel and Chairman Marks confirmed that CVS will assume responsibility for the taxes associated with the parcel going forward. The Board did not raise any further questions or concerns during the meeting.

This minor subdivision plan signifies a strategic move by PennMark Management to reorganize the Coventry Mall property. While the proposal does not involve any additional construction, it presents an opportunity to optimize the existing assets within the mall precinct.

North Coventry Township remains committed to ensuring proper land use and development within its jurisdiction. The receipt and acknowledgment of this minor subdivision plan are in line with the Township’s commitment to responsible growth and efficient land management.