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Update from Chester County Libraries Presented at Board of Supervisors Meeting

North Coventry Township [11-15-2023] At the November 13, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting, Lois Shupp, Community Engagement Librarian at Chester County Library System in Exton shared a noteworthy update regarding the Chester County and Henrietta Hankin Library. The libraries have recently been awarded a grant for the Access to Connectivity Program (ACP), aiming to assist families in need by providing internet services and offering up to $100 towards the purchase of a computer or laptop.

Lois Shupp urged families facing internet connectivity challenges to reach out for more information on how they can benefit from this initiative. This grant aligns with the libraries’ commitment to bridging the digital divide and ensuring that all members of the community have access to essential online resources.

In addition to the ACP announcement, Shupp informed the community that the libraries are on track to achieve a significant milestone – 1 million downloads. She encouraged families to explore the diverse range of applications available, including Flipster, Canopy, and Creative Bug, to make the most of the extensive digital resources offered by the libraries.

For families seeking entertainment, education, or inspiration, these applications provide a wealth of content that can be easily accessed and downloaded. The Chester County Libraries continue to be at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring that residents have access to quality resources that enhance their learning and recreational experiences.

Visit the Chester. County Library System website to learn more.  https://www.ccls.org