A community’s infrastructure should allow residents of all ages and abilities to make trips by walking or cycling — because it is convenient, safe, affordable, and promotes health. Active transportation infrastructure promotes transportation equity, improves public health, and reduces our carbon footprint.
North Coventry Township is partnering with GVF, a local nonprofit transportation planning organization, on the Streets for All project. The program aims to provide safer streets through the goals and recommendations outlined in Chester County’s Complete Streets Policy and the Active Transportation Inventory (ATI) Plan and through community input and engagement.
The project will positively impact the quality of life for residents and employees located within the North Coventry Township by providing more reliable choices for travel.
Streets for ALL
For more information visit gvftma.com or email sweiss@gvftma.com
Public Survey
We want to hear about your experiences with the current transportation system and future improvements you would like to see. Please take this brief survey (3 minutes) and share your feedback. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NorthCovTownship