On August 26, 2024 the North Coventry Township Board of Supervisors adopted a new Peddling and Solicitation Ordinance to establish new standards and enhance regulations for solicitors in the Township.
The purpose of the Ordinance is to repeal the existing, older provisions, and enable improved measures to protect the safety and privacy of residents of North Coventry Township by regulating the behavior of solicitors and by limiting access to residents who do not wish to interact with them.
Those individuals who wish to obtain a permit to solicit and do not fall under a regulatory exemption must obtain a permit from the North Coventry Township Administration office and provide necessary background documentation for review. Upon review of a completed application, if the permit is approved, the individual will be issued a license and license identification badge with lanyard to be worn conspicuously by the solicitor during soliciting activities, and presented at request to all law enforcement, Township officials, and citizens of the Township. Every member of a business group must file individual license applications. Licenses are granted for two week, (14 day) periods and must be renewed to continue operation.
The Township has also implemented a “Do Not Solicit Registry,” which is comprised of landowners and residents of the Township who do not wish to be contacted by non-exempt solicitors. If the application for a license is approved for solicitation, the solicitor will be provide a copy of the most recent “Do Not Solicit Registry.” It is noted that the prohibition against non – exempt solicitors entering properties on the Do Not Solicit Registry shall be in addition, not in place of, the prohibition against such individual soliciting and peddling at properties displaying, “No Soliciting,” or other similar signs. For property owners who wish to sign up for the Registry, please enter your information on the North Coventry Police Department webpage here: https://chester.crimewatchpa.com/ncpd/21202/webforms/do-not-solicit A list of exempt retailers is included in the adopted Ordinance and does include persons who work for organizations registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State under the Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act.
Permitted hours of solicitation are from 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., or sunset, (whichever is earlier), Monday through Saturday. No soliciting is permitted on Sundays or Federal holidays.
For a complete list of operating rules, prohibited acts, violations, and penalties, download the adopted Ordinance below.