845 S Hanover St
Pottstown, Pa 19465


The Zoning Hearing Board of North Coventry Township, Chester County, PA, will meet on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., at the North Coventry Township Building, 845 South Hanover Street, Pottstown, PA, to hold a Public Hearing on the following Application:

No. 2024-05:  Judilyn Arena (hereinafter “Applicant”) filed a completed ZHB Application on October 22, 2024, requesting a use Variance from Zoning Ordinance Sections370-14B(4) and 370-36B to allow an existing outbuilding to be used as an apartment for rent.  To proceed, Applicant is requesting a Variance to permit a second dwelling unit on the property as an accessory use to the principal residence.  The subject property is located at 1320 Saint Peter’s Road (the “Property”) and is located in the Resource Conservation (RC) Zoning District.  The Property is 15.1 acres in size, is identified as Chester County Tax Parcel No. 17-6-57, and, is owned by Judilyn Arena and Gabrielle Fanucci.

Interested parties who appear at the hearing will be heard.  The Zoning Hearing Board reserves the right to conduct such other business as may properly come before it.  Persons with disabilities wishing to attend the hearing, and who require auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to attend and/or participate, should contact Township Manager Erica Batdorf at (610) 323-1694 on or before December 11, 2024.

​​​​​​​Edward DiCesare,


​​​​​​​Kenneth E. Picardi,
