Zoning Hearing Board
The Zoning Hearing Board plays a vital role in the township’s government by hearing appeals of zoning decisions made by the zoning officer, and requests for variances and special exceptions to zoning regulations.
The Board is responsible for interpreting and applying the township’s zoning code and ensuring that zoning decisions are consistent with it. They must ensure that all parties involved are given a fair and impartial hearing, and that decisions are made in a timely manner.
The Zoning Hearing Board must also balance the rights of property owners with the needs of the community, and make decisions that are in the best interest of both.
The Zoning Hearing Board is essential in upholding the integrity of the township’s zoning code, promoting responsible and sustainable development, and ensuring that the community’s needs are met while protecting the rights of property owners.

Township Zoning Ordinance Online
The Township maintains a comprehensive set of Township Ordinances Online. Click Here for easy download.